CGB Insurance Company issued the following announcement on Feb. 19.

Attention Dairy Farmers! We are putting together a “We Will Rock You” parody about dairy and we need YOUR HELP! Please film a scene of one or more of the following:

-The drum beat of the intro (stomp twice, clap) somewhere in the dairy. If you have another idea besides stomping and clapping, feel free to make the beat with other sounds in the dairy! (make sure to go the same speed as the song)

-Singing “We will, we will, milk cows!” (make sure to go the same speed and pitch as the song, best way is to sing along with it)

-Footage of feeding cows, milking cows, or taking care of cows

-A short video (or picture) of you and your family smiling with your dairy cows in the background

Please film horizontally in at least 1080p and upload your video to YouTube or DropBox. Then message us on Facebook with a link to the video or with a picture. By sending us the video you are agreeing to allow us to use it in the parody! Content must be submitted by February 25th.

Original source can be found here.

Source: CGB Insurance Company